Tuesday 17 May 2011

Contextual Studies - Symbolism

Introduction, main charateristics and symbolism's aims.

Symbolism, symbolism is an art movement it emerged in the 1880s and was shadowed by modernism around the same time. This was influenced at the time by spiritualism, anarchisim and socialism. This is a show of immaterial or ultimate reality. Symbolism is a belief of all systems and this is portrayed in many late century paintings and artists. Obvious disturbance and disturbance within people is also a characteristic of symbolism and this will be found within symbolistic artwork. Symbolisim makes use of dreams and this can cause the artwork to become rather abstract. Symbolists themselves try to reveal arts hidden meanings.

During the outbreak of this artistic movment things were happening around the world. For example in the core of the 1880's the second industrial revoloution happened and many new inventions spurred artistic movements. 1881 Was also the year Emperor Alexander II was assassinated and this sparked mass world controversy as to what had happened to him. Shortley after all of the Czar's were killed and people were searching for the missing Czar Anastasia who was believed to be alive. This was portrayed in many pieces of artwork painted at the time. A massive natural disaster also occurred. In 1883 Krakatoa erupted killing 36,000 people. This also shook the world greatly. Symbolism and Artwork was also affected by mass political races inbetween countries. Many Colonies were set up and Britain was one of the biggest empires this also inspired artistic movements throughout.


Google Images and Wikipedia

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